Recently there has been a set of new Pot Noodle adverts on the television.
The two I've seen recently are for the new Kebab Pot Noodle (Kebabalab) and for the Beef and Tomato flavour (Tastified.)
Whilst watching these video's there is a lot of idea's being copied from other items. For example Tastified ad is blatantly copying the High School Musical scene. Some people might see this as a good idea because it's so recognizable, but I don't agree, because when I watch the video it doesn't promote the pot noodle much to me, I just think of High School Musical more.
Another example how they've copied thing's would be, in the Kebab Pot Noodle advert there's a dance scene which has been copied out of a song by Beyonce - Single Ladies.
To view the video's just click on the Kebab Pot Noodle link and you shall find the selection of video's there, enjoy.