Tuesday 7 July 2009

Anthony Jones - Blogs - Good or Bad?

Another person I emailed about Blogs, was Anthony Jones from TWBA Manchester. Anthony is the creative head at TWBA.

Question's and Answer's;

1. Would you recommend that students produce a blog? If so why?

Yes. It is a very flexible tool that can accommodate a plethora of uses. The key is to decide how you want to use it for yourself.

2. A lot of  students aren't safe with putting there design's up on blogs due to the idea  getting stolen. What would your opinion be on this?

I’d simply recite the adage ‘you’ve got to be in it to win it’. Frankly, there are no shortage of designers (myself included) or designs. If somebody wants to plagiarize they will. The point, while the work has value, is that it is really the designer that is the valuable resource, not the work itself. The reason you will be employed is because there is more where that came from.

3. People see blogs as a way to publicize themselves and there work, but a lot of blogs don't get a lot of hits, so what should the purpose of a blog be?

There are many, many ways a blog can be used. When used in the form of professional publicity, you have to ask yourself, is it to generate work in of itself, or is it a tool you will use to point people to yourself, like a CV or Portfolio? Both routes require a different mindset about what you publish on it, generating work requires a lot of constant input and effort.

4. Finally, what's one  positive and negative about having a blog?

Positives are easy, but to choose one at random; a blog can show not only your work, but a passion and enthusiasm by the frequency and flavour of the content you add, in and around your work.Negatives generally arise from a deviation from how it was intended to be used and the reality, or neglect, it may get. This roughly translates to, if you don’t keep it updated, it looks like you’re doing nothing, which is generally bad.

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