Then I realized. Although when watching the video you can't see how this would make public awareness just from a 'blob,' but after you see the amount of publicity it received that night/following day on blogs, internet and the TV is outstanding.
Friday, 30 October 2009
New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation
Today I saw a video which was aimed to make public awareness for Breast Cancer in New Zealand. When I first watched the video I wasn't sure what the reason was behind it.
Talking Food Idents
Whilst on the Creative Review blog, I stumbled across these talking food idents for FSA (Food Standards Agency.)
These clips was shot by Mark Denton of COY! The ads have been written by an ad agency called RKCR. The idea is that each clip is split into two, so the first half of the clip is shown at the start of an ad break in the Good Food Channel's Family Supercooks programme, then the second section would take up the end of the ad break.
These are just a couple of the videos. These videos are humorous to me, especially the peanuts one with what's said. Although I don't know what the brief is about, or what's trying to be put a across straight it says to me healthy eating. These are a good set of videos humorous but yet they promote healthy eating.
To see the rest just click on the link;
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Stop motion with pig and wolf
Yesterday (14/10/09) I went on Access Advertising's blog.
Whilst on the blog I noticed a post made by stop motion. The video was a stop motion of a wolf and a pig. (Video Below)
When I saw the video I was like wow! That's well impressive. The video reminded me of a recent TV ad for a car company, but I can't remember what the dam car was!
These type of clips I think are really impressive. The amount of photos taken, the amount of time it must of took to put it together, and the amount of trial and error they must go through to get it correct is something what is amazing. With the end production the producers can't have any complaints.
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Whist researching into typography for an LBi brief I came across Eightvo.
8vo where a British graphic design company which was founded in 1984.
On there website is a selection of work which they have created during there business times.
Whilst looking through I was very impressed. I like how on a lot of there work the typography isn't crisp clean, a lot of the time the readability isn't very clear, which is something what got my attention at first.
On other pieces of work, I like how they take risks with how they create things. For instance they don't always put the type horizontal, they put it vertical which is straight away is something different. On other pieces they use very large images of furniture/objects which is also striking too.

When in Uni recently one of my tutors introduced me into a website called Bemboszoo.
At first I was like what's this got to do with my typography brief?
But when it came up I actually realized. This is a typography website where they make animals out of typography. You have the whole of the alphabet and with each letter there's a different animal. A few examples would be I = Ibis, Q = Quail and Z = Zebra.
This is a fun website, some of the animals made me laugh due to how random they are and how some of them don't even look like the set animal. But over all I was impressed with this website with how clever it is.

Barcode Anniversary
It was the bar code's 57th anniversary.
With this they decided to change there logo of google into a bar code. The actual clever thing about this is, that when the bar code was/is scanned it actually comes up with google. Although some people (net citizens) would see this as just another "doodle" there is an actual reason to it.

Monday, 5 October 2009
Finding Myself On A Blog . . .
Recently I found my self on another persons blog. At first I was like, hold up, what's going on here? But then I read into it more. The post was by Tom. Tom was a designer I e-mailed a while back regarding blogs.

Seeing this was great. It's great to know what I'm doing is interesting other designers out there, which they themselves are informing other people about.
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