Recently Tom Shaughnessy from Glorious came in and spoke to us about the work they have recently been producing. Glorious are a multi-award winning design company based in Manchester who are currently ranked in the top 5 design companies in the whole of England, which is remarkable seeming they have only running three and a half years under glorious.
Tom showed us a handful of examples of work that he and the company have produced. One of these was for a reading room. This consisted of using bookmarks, but nothing developed of this idea due to them falling out with the company they was doing the brief for.
Another piece of work we was shown was based on Pay & Display tickets. They was briefed and asked to produce a clever idea that would generate awareness of an exhibition of designer/makers in an NCP car park through word of mouth. The solution they came up with was to use the car park tickets and then just put the
details on the ticket in the style of a parking ticket. They actually re-created the typeface for this brief because this was better than any bitmap font, and also it would result in the typeface not pixelating.

Another brief which Tom showed us was for a company called Client Centric. The client asked them to produce a corporate identity for them and in doing so there company name got changed to REDdog. The solution to the brief was that they created a red dog who would perform various tasks for each item. For example on stationary he would be 'begging' on the invoice and 'fetching' on the address label and 'tickling tummy' on the compliment slips.

Another piece of work that Tom shown us was a calendar for Karl's barbershop in Manchester. The owner of the company wanted something creating which would celebrate 40 years in the business. The final piece was a calendar which was run over the financial year (this due to that most customers are city professionals.) One object i like about the calendar is when pulling it out it's sleeve it acts like it's the iconic red and white barbers pole which is found outside the barbers. This calendar went onto win many awards.

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