At the start of March I went down to London for a few days, visiting the place, researching and then with the possibility of having a portfolio visit whilst down there.
When down there I went and visited such places as the
V&A Museum,
MOSI London and
Dew Gibbons design company and Westminster - being there you know how it feels to be a tourist in London.
Visiting such places as them make you realize how different London is to Manchester. For example the museums down there are more exciting, the quality of them is something what Manchester can't compete with. Even the little details like the lighting of the places, or how compact the places are is something that don't compare. I mean for example when I visited the MOSI in London they offered so much more than the Manchester museum. Here they had over four floors, each exhibition floor was very spacious, not packed, which allowed you to view each piece of art (or whatever it was) much better.
Whilst down there you think to yourself how dear must it be to live down in London (well I did anyway.) This was due to the costs of things down there. I stayed in Kings Cross so the amount of shops down there was not a struggle. I mean the price of a soft drink down there is ridiculous, your hitting £1.40 in some places just for a simple 500ml bottle. When you was getting food, jesus, how expensive! It was like £6 for a simple subway! You every wonder why people get payed more down there? Simple answer, IT COSTS MORE TO LIVE THERE!
Something I wasn't used to down there was using the underground, but using it was so easy! Why people get scared of using it I will never know. It's easy as 1 2 3. Living in Manchester we only have the Metrolink, something I don't use really, but one thing I would love to see is an underground up here. Liverpool have one so why not Manchester? I know our Metro is getting expanded but it's still not as good as an underground now is it.
Overall whilst down there I thoroughly enjoyed my time down there, it's something I'm already looking into doing again in the future, but someone who didn't enjoy being down there was my bank balance! Bad times.