Friday 21 August 2009

Veerle Pieters - Blogs - Good or Bad?

Since I haven't been continuing the blog debate for a while, I recently decided to get in touch with a few fresh people regarding blogs - good or bad? The reason for this is that I have now decided to further this into my critical journal in my last year of University.

One of the first people I got in touch with was Veerle Pieters. Veerle runs his own blog, but he also has his own joint company called duoh.

Veerle quickly responded to my questions with his answers which I'm most grateful for.

Questions and Answers;

1. Would you recommend that students produce a blog? If so why?

You should only start a blog when you have something worthwhile to say. Starting one because others do as well is wrong. One reason to start a blog could be because you have a unique perspective on things.

2. A lot of students aren't safe with putting there ideas up on blogs due to there idea getting stolen, what would your opinion be on this?

You have to take a risk otherwise you don't gain anything. If you aren't prepared to share your work online in a bigger size you shouldn't be sharing anyway. It has to have value to those who visit and you don't get that from tiny thumbnails. My work gets stolen on a regular basis but that doesn't stop my from putting my work online. The day that I don't have any positive outcome of putting my work online anymore is the day that I'll stop putting things online.

3. People see blogs as a way to publicize themselves and there work, but a lot of blogs don't get a lot of hits, so what would the purpose of a blog be?

If you start a blog because you want to get hits you are doing it wrong already. Blogging is a passion and one that takes up a lot of time and effort to keep it going. You should start for the right reason and that could be your passion to share your ideas with the world. A blog should be what you want to read because it is personal.

4. Finally, what is one positive and one negative about having a blog?

Positive: getting to know other creative like minded people to share and bounce your ideas off.
Negative: wasting time on tracking down people who stole your content.

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